Colorado Couponer is a blog that has been born through the continued recommendations and pleas for help from friends and family who strive to be a smart shopper and coupon clipper in order to fill their grocery carts with as much food for the least amount of money. Extreme couponer? Maybe. Smart shopper? Yes.
As a mother of two beautiful little girls and a wife to a husband that spent the majority of last year unemployed, my couponing skills were put to the ultimate test using one meager teaching salary and an unreliable unemployment check, coupons and a grocery list, my family had food on the table for the entire year. Thankfully, my husband is back to work and our income is more stable, but my coupons are as handy as ever, chillin' in a hanging file folder holder on top of my microwave.
My name is Mindy and I'm a couponing nerd. I post my 'trophies' (receipts, savings, out of pocket expenses) on my facebook account to show my friends and family. Throughout my nearly two years of couponing, I've had many friends and family ask how I do it? The Internet has many resources available to the wide variety of couponers that exist. As a busy, working mother, I've classified myself as "The Lazy Couponer" - I'm willing to pay someone else to do the dirty work for me, I use The Grocery Game to match sales with coupons from my newspaper inserts. Each week I search the list and pick what I need for my family, if it's free I 'buy' it whether I need it or not and give it to charity. If you consider yourself a "Lazy Couponer", check out The Grocery Game, Watch the tutorial and please use my email: as a referal!!!
Here's other couponer classifications (created by Moi):
1. The Extreme Couponer: Exactly what you see on the show, people who have taken couponing to the extreme, creating super huge stockpiles, hoarding massive amounts of coupons, getting thousands of dollars of stuff for free. Some do it out of necessity, some do it for charity but they all do it for the thrill (which I think all couponers get a little thrill!).
2. The SAHM Couponer: This domestic diva is able to use her couponing skills to accommodate a budget that allows her to stay-at-home with her children by stretching her dollar at the grocery store. She has more time than The Lazy Couponer to do her own search and matches of sales and coupons. She coupons out of necessity or just for fun and it's part of her job as a SAHM. The extra money is usually used for household items, clothes, vacations or bills.
3. The Lazy Couponer: See my description above. The Lazy Couponer needs the savings but has little time on their hands. Online Coupon Databases give them the ultimate savings with minimal time requirements.
4. The Trendy Couponer: The couponer that has seen Extreme Couponing and has decided they are going to be the next extreme couponer. Some will take the leap, others will teeter on the edge until the fad expires like the manufacture coupon they saved from their last Sunday's paper.
5. The Old School Couponer: Uses coupons intermittently for only items they'd purchase anyway. They don't wait for a sale to match for the ultimate savings. They use it just because they can and they need it.
I'll have to add to my types of Couponers list at a later date. Remeber, these classifications are just for fun, their not meant to make people mad, or stereotype, just my observations. Please feel free to comment and add a type of couponer, or make suggestions of how I could edit my list. But please, be friendly!
Thanks for checking out Colorado Couponer. More tips and advice to come!
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